27 oct 2016

For over 40 years the Same Building

We all see familiar buildings in our neighbourhoods change over the years, but what if you photographed them from the exact same spot, documenting them over a time span of over four decades? That’s exactly what Chilean-born photographer Camilo José Vergara did. Focusing on the poorest and most segregated communities in urban America, Camilo returned year after year to re-photograph the same places, becoming “an archivist of decline”. Here is a brief look at the space and time he has tracked…

65 East 125th St., Harlem (1977-2014)

Fern Street, Camden, New Jersey (1979-2014)

Ransom Gills Mansion (1993-2014)

Vyse Avenue, South Bronx, NY (1980-2013)

Pictures from Camilo José Vergara 

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